Monday, September 30, 2019

Human Resource Training and Development Essay

Training and development is a major investment made by employers , and therefore great care should be taken to ensure adequate returns on the investment. Training and development. Some experts try to differentiate training from development. In this case, both training and development is in the same meaning. Training is more to short term, and focuses on current needs of the employee and the organization. Development meanwhile looks more to the future needs, whereby development are about preparing employees for tomorrow’s jobs, technology and economic situation. Most on-the-job training efforts are about ensuring that employees can perform their present tasks as well as possible. Leadership programmes, on the other hand, are an example of the development initiatives taken by employers to ensure they have a steady supply of senior managers ready to drive organizational success. TRAINING EMPLOYEES. Training is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities or known as K. S. A. K. S. A. is necessary to successfully perform a job. Several reasons exist for an organization to conduct training for it’s employees. Here are the 4 reasons why K. S. A. is important. 1. Economic, social, technological, and government changes can make the skills learned today obsolete in the future. 2. Planned organizational changes (such as the introduction of new equipment) can make it necessary for employees to update their skills or acquire new ones. 3. Performance problems within an organization such as low productivity or large scrap problems can be reduced by training. 4. Regulatory, contractual, professional, or certification issues can require an employer to provide training for it employees. STEPS TO A SUCCESSFUL TRAINING PROGRAM. * Perform job analysis. * Perform needs assessment * Establish training objectives * Conduct training program* Evaluate training outcomes Job analysis. Job analysis is actually more focusing on the Knowledge, skills, and abilities (K. S. A. ). K. S. A. is actually necessary to successfully perform a job. Perform needs assessment. Needs assessment is a systematic analysis of the specific training activities the organization requires to achieve it objectives. In general, five methods can be used to gather needs assessment information – 1. Interviews 2. Surveys / questionnaires 3. Observations 4. Focus groups 5. Document examination. Interviews with employees can be conducted by specialists in the Human Resource Deaprtment or by outside experts. Basic questions that should usually be asked are as follows : 1. What problems is the employees having in his/her job. 2. What additional skills and/or knowledge does the employee need to better perform the job? 3. What training does the employee believe is needed? In conducting an interviews, every organization would have several additional questions about specific issues. In addition, if interviews are to provide useful information, employees must believe their input will be valued and not be used against them. Surveys and/or questionnaires are also frequently used in needs assessment. Normally this involves developing a list of skills required to perform particular jobs effectively and asking employees to check those skills in which they believe they need training. METHODS OF TRAINING Several methods can be used to satisfy an organization’s training needs and accomplish it’s objectives. Some of the more commonly used methods include on-the-job training, job rotation, apprenticeship training, and classroom training. * On-The-Job training. On-the-Job training or simply known as OTJ, is normally given by a senior employee or a manager. The employee is shown how to perform the job and allowed to do it under the trainer’s supervision. * Job rotation (cross training) One of the OTJ training is job rotation, sometimes called cross training. In job rotation, an individual learns several different jobs within a work unit or department and performs each job for a specified time period. One main advantage of job rotation is that it makes flexibility possible in the department. For example, when one member of a work unit is absent, another person can perform the job. The advantages of OTJ training are that no special facilities are required and the new employee does productive work during the learning process. OTJ training has been found to be more effective than classroom training that may be seldom be used when the person returns to the job. It’s major disadvantages is that the pressures of the workplace can cause instruction of the employee to be haphazard or neglected. * Apprenticeship Training Apprenticeship Training provides beginning workers with comprehensive training in the practical and theoretical aspects of work required in a highly skilled occupation. Apprenticeship programs combine OTJ and classroom training to prepare workers for more than 800 skilled occupations such as computer operator and laboratory technician. * Classroom Training Classroom Training is conducted off the job and is probably the most familiar training method. It is an effective means of imparting information quickly to large groups with limited or no knowledge of the subject being presented. It is useful for teaching factual material, concepts, principles, and theories. Portions of orientation programs, some aspects of apprenticeship training, and safety programs are usually presented utilizing some form of classroom instruction. * Virtual classroom Internet technology has advanced rapidly and as a result the training of Prev Page employees is changing. In some companies, employee training has moved from the old typical style classroom to the internet. A virtual classroom is an online teaching and learning environment that integrates chat rooms, desktop video conferencing, web sites, and e-mail distributions into a typical lecture-based systems. Virtual classroom offer training in either self-paced courses, real-time courses through intranets, or real-time video conferencing. In a typical virtual classroom, a professor lectures to a local class and a remote class that may be thousand of miles away. EVALUATING TRAINING When the results of a training program are evaluated, a number of benefits accrue. Less effective programs can be withdrawn to save time and effort. Weaknesses within established programs can be identified and remedied. Evaluation of training can be broken down into four areas : 1. Reaction – How much did the trainees like the program? 2. Learning – What principles, facts, and concepts were learned in the training program? 3. Behavior – Did the job behavior of the trainees change because of the program? 4. Results – What were the results of the program in terms of factorssuch as reduced costs or reduction in turnover? * Reaction Reaction evaluation should be consider a wide range of topics, including program content, structure and format, instructional techniques, instructors abilities and style, the quality of the learning environment, the extent to which training objectives were achieved, and recommendations for improvement. Reaction evaluation questionnaires are normally administrated immediately following the training, but they can be administered several weeks later. The major flaw in using only reaction evaluation is that enthuasiasm of trainees cannot necessarily be taken as evidence of improved ability and performance * Learning Learning evaluation concerns how well the trainees understood and absorbed the principles, facts, and skills taught. In teaching skills, classroom Prev Page demonstrations by trainees are a fairly objective way to determine how much learning is occurring. Where principles and facts are being taught, paper and pencils tests can be used. Standardized tests can be purchased to measure learning in many areas. In other areas, the trainers must develop their own tests. To obtain an accurate picture of what was learned, trainees should be tested both before and after the program. * Behavior Behavior evaluation deals with the nature of the change in job behavior of the trainee and is much more difficult than reaction of learning evaluation. The following guidelines can help evaluate behavioral change. A systematic appraisal should be made of on the job (OTJ) performance on a before and after basis. The appraisal of performance should be made by one or more of the following groups (the more the better) * The trainee * The trainee’s superior * The trainee’s subordinates * The trainee’s peers or other people thoroughly familiar with his/her performance. A statistical analysis should be made to compare performance before and after training and to relate changes to the training program. The post-training appraisal should be made several months after the training so that the trainees have an opportunity to put what they have learned into practice. A control group (one not receiving the training) should be used. * Results. Results evaluation attempts to measure changes in variables such as reduced turnover, reduced costs, improved efficiency, reduction in grievances, and increases in quantity and quality of production. As with behavior evaluation, pretests, posttests, and control groups are reqired in performing an accurate results evaluation. Prev Page BENEFITS OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT As we know, training is designed to change attitudes, develop skills, and impart knowledge. Effective training programmes may require expenditure on the part of the employer, but they bring about a number of benefits to the organization, including – * Increased productivity which in turn leads to higher profits. * More satisfied employees which lowers turnover rates. * Aid recruitment efforts making it easier to hire talented employees. * Trained employees are more innovative. * The company is in a better position to compete both nationally and internationally. Trained employees help ensure that company profits are maximized. At the same time, the training of employees is significant at the macro level of the economy. Well-trained staff can produce higher quality products which can successfully gain a good share of the world markets. By training and development organizing work around subordinates becomes fairly easy. The span of control of the managers increase which help the organizations in low costs and thus better allocation of resources takes place. It also helps the managers effectively and efficiently attain the organizational goals. Also by training the employees helps the employees get updated with the latest skills and techniques, which in turn increase the productivity and output per worker and the marginal and average productivity per worker increases. THE MALAYSIA CASE ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT. Malaysia is an example country that really put an efforts in order to maintain and establish a good way of training and development. As we know, Prev Page Malaysia are now competing with highly sophisticated staff from many multinational company from many nations. Through this, the Malaysian government takes a keen interest in helping and encouraging employers to train their staff continuously. The government of Malaysia has established a number of initiatives which directly or indirectly help employers to train their employees. This include – * A free educational system up to secondary level. * Subsidized tertiary education in public universities. * Encouraging top-class foreign universities to establish branches or campuses or conduct training programme’s . * Establishment of Industrial Training Institutes to train industrial training instructors. * Introduction of the Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Bhd. Act. (Human Resource Development Bhd. Act. ) International HRD Types of Expatriates Expatriates Free Agent Heart at Home Going Native Dual Citizen Proactive Career Stagnant Career Ethnocentric Adaptable Most Effective There are generally four types of expatriates managers : Free agent. There are two types of free agent. The first includes people who put their career above either the parent company or the foreign operation where they Prev Page are working. They often are highly effective, but they will move with little warning from one company to another, may serve their own short term interests at the expense of the company’s long term ones, and do not plan to return to their home country. The second types of people are who takes foreign assignment only for the large compensation. Heart at home The heart at home type is very ethnocentric and usually eager to return home. When the company wants strong headquarters control, this type of person may be useful and effective. Going native The going native type learns and accepts the local way of doing business, want to stay in the foreign location, and prefer not to consult headquarters. This type of person may be appropriate for situations in which the company follows multi domestic practices. Dual Citizen The dual citizen type has a clear understanding of global needs, why he or she is needed at the foreign subsidiary and local. This type of person usually finds methods to align the interest of headquarters and the subsidiary. Generally, the dual citizen is most effective type of expatriate managers. Training and Development for Expatriate Managers Training focus on preparing the manager for a specific job, while development is concern with the developing skills of the manager when he work with the firm. Normally, most firms focus more on the training rather than on development of the management. Management development programmes for expatriate managers increase overall skills levels by continuing learning in management and rotations of managers through jobs within the global firms to gain more experiences. Management development is best to used as strategic tool to build strong understanding about other culture and informal management network, both of which are supportive of a transnational and global strategy. Before expatriates are sent for their foreign assignment, they need to be Prev Page prepared for their foreign assignment, they need to be prepared for their new and more challenging tasks. So, it is important for expatriates well trained before they leave the country. Training for expatriates managers involve obtaining skills for a particular foreign posting. Training can helps expatriates and their families to ready with the above problems related to the foreign assignments. Cultural training, language training, and practical training will help those expatriate to solve the problem and reduce expatriates failures. Cultural training Cultural training provides opportunities for expatriates to understand and value the culture of the host country. The training must be cover the country culture such as in aspect of history, politics, economy, religion, and social and business practices prior to departure. Cultural training can promote an appreciation of the host country’s culture and help in expatriate adjustment. Language training Although the English is the international language, expatriates are needed to learn and understand some language of the host country. It is because to helps effective communication between locals and expatriates. Language training helps to improve expatriates’s effectiveness, aid expatriates in adjusting to foreign culture, and create a better corporate image. Practical training Practical training is the best mode to prepared the expatriates to adapt new environment and daily activities. Sharing experiences with those who have been to the host’s country is one way to have real life experiences prior to departure. Once in the host country, seeking support from other expatriates from the same country would speed up the process of adaptation in the new environment. Practical training can help expatriates and family ease into day to day life of the host country. Repatriation training Another issue in training and development is repatriation which refer to preparing expatriates for re-entry into their home country organization. This is the same to support expatriate to adjust the expatriate in a new environment. Prev Page Cross Cultural Training Cross cultural training is a kind of cultural training given to the potential expatriates before they go on their overseas assignments. Cross cultural training refers to the development of awareness between people where a common cultural framework does not exist. There are two approaches of cross cultural training which are cross cultural awareness training and culture or country specific training. Cross Cultural Awareness Training. Cross cultural awareness training deals with the manifestation of culture in the workplace and has many applications. Its main purpose is to evaluate and undertake the challenges cross cultural differences can bring to the workplace. This training generates awareness of a foreign culture and creates understanding of how to foster mutual trust, respect, and understanding in a different culture. This training an effort to equip potential expatriates with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage a multi-cultural staff. This training helps them to create fair and comfortable working environment and enhance negotiations with foreign clients or customers in discussing possible terms and conditions. Culture or Country specific training Culture or country specific training is commonly targeted at individual or teams that often visit a foreign country or who frequently interact with foreign client. Such training usually focuses on areas such as values, morals, ethics, business practices, etiquette, protocol, or negotiation styles with reference to one country. This better equips participants with the key skills. Understanding and appreciating intercultural differences ultimately promotes clearer communication, reduces communication, reduces barriers, builds trust, strengthen relationships, open horizons, and yield tangible results in terms of business success. Repatriation of Expatriates Repatriation is a critical issues in the training and development of expatriates managers. Repatriation is concerned when the expatriates who have been living abroad for certain period of time for re-entry into their Prev Page home country. Repatriation should be seen as the final link in an integrated, circular process that selects, train, sends, and brings home expatriate managers. Repatriation is the return of the expatriate to his or home country following completion of a lengthy foreign assignment. Repatriation is needed as expatriates who have spent a few years in host country cultures often experiences distress in readapting to their own home culture. The distress is normally caused by adaptation to the host country, followed by re-entry, which means that they have adapt to something that they left before. This creates disturbance in the early period of coming back, and is referred to as reverse culture shock. The disturbance is worse when returning managers are not able to get the right position or nothing more than to get the position in the home office. Like expatriation, repatriation requires advance preparation. If repatriation is not properly managed, the expatriate will encounter problem when returning to the home country. Some of returning employees fell that their international experiences is not valued because they be placed in lower position rather than high position on overseas. Moreover, some expatriates report that they have difficulties in financial upon returned. Many experiences reverse culture shock when in readjustment to home country culture. For employees and employee who have worked several years abroad have difficulties to readjustment the daily life like before. Problem with repatriation arises in three general areas such as personal finances, readjustment to the home country work environment, and readjustment to the home country social life. Companies give expatriate many financial benefits to encourage them to accept a foreign assignment. While abroad, expatriates may live in the high standard neighbourhood and sent their children to the private schools, socialize with elite group, and still save more money because of high wages. Some of human resources practices for smoothing repatriation including providing expatriates with an advance notices of when they will return, more information about their new jobs, placement in suitable job regarding with their foreign experiences, housing assistance, reorientation programmes, periodic visits to headquarters, and enlisting a formal headquarters mentor to watch over their interests while.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Informed Opinion Outline

It is a career/Job choice selected by the person performing the Job It has the potential for large financial profit It is highly regulated and safer than illegal prostitution It generates tax revenue for the counties that allow it Personal Opinion: Women should have the right to work in this field safely, and without harsh punishment for a service that is elsewhere considered to be profitable and respected. Support and Statistics: Buzzed. Mom's Hillary Reinsert reports In How I was a Prostitute, without ever reeking a law; an unnamed woman reported â€Å"The first thing I have to say is that I was not abused, I don't drink or do drugs and I don't come from a troubled home-my parents Just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. † â€Å"l became a working girl because I really love having sex and I like the money' According the CDC In Nevada; women have to undergo weekly pap smear as well required HIVE screenings and condoms are also mandatory.In in article from Family Plann ing Perspectives It sates that a study conducted In the US on the Prevalence of the HIVE Infection among female prostitutes Zero out of the 35 restitution from southern Nevada were positive for HIVE and 25 percent out of the 59 from Newark, New Jersey (where prostitution Is Illegal) were positive.In the Article â€Å"Novena's Legal Brothels Make Workers Feel Safer† In the New York Times Written by Barbara G Brent (University of Alas Vegas Professor In the Department of Sociology) she writes that â€Å"In legal Brothels, employees report that they feel safe, are free to come and go, and are bound only by their contract† † Workers report that they felt Largely safe because the police, employers and co- workers were there to protect them† By summarize Buzzed.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Succubus Blues CHAPTER 13

Carter picked up a book and leafed through it lazily. His stringy blond hair had been stuffed under a backward baseball cap, and his flannel shirt appeared to have seen better days. â€Å"Looking for altar supplies?† he asked me without glancing up. â€Å"Or maybe here to brush up on your astrology?† â€Å"It's none of your business why I'm here,† I snapped back, too flustered at the sight of him to think of anything funny or even plausible. The gray eyes looked up. â€Å"Does Jerome know you're here?† â€Å"It's not his business either. Why? Are you going to tattle on me?† My words came out boldly, though part of me kept thinking if Carter really was the one behind the attacks, I'd have a lot more to worry about than Jerome's wrath. â€Å"Maybe.† He closed the book, holding it between his palms. â€Å"Of course, I suspect the long-term entertainment value will be greater for me if I just keep quiet and let your schemes proceed uninterrupted.† â€Å"I don't know what ‘schemes' you're talking about. Can't a girl go shopping without getting the third degree? You don't hear me grilling you about why you're here.† The truth was, I burned to know what he was doing. It didn't surprise me that he knew Erik – we all did – but finding him here in light of everything that had happened lately only furthered my suspicions. â€Å"Me?† He held up the book he'd been glancing through. Teach Yourself Witchcraft in 30 Days or Less. â€Å"I need to make up for lost time.† â€Å"Cute,† I acknowledged. â€Å"Commendation from a master. I'm honored. Have I given you sufficient time to come up with an equally cute alibi?† He set the book down. â€Å"Miss Kincaid.† Erik shuffled into the room before I could answer. â€Å"I'm so pleased to see you. My friend just dropped off the earrings you asked for.† I stared, momentarily puzzled, and then I remembered the pearl necklace, as well as the earrings I'd offhandedly requested. â€Å"I'm glad he was able to do it so quickly.† â€Å"Nice recovery,† conceded Carter in an undertone. I ignored him. Erik opened a small box for me, and I peered inside. Three tiny strands of freshwater pearls, just like the ones from the necklace, dangled from the delicate copper wires of each earring. â€Å"They're beautiful,† I told him. I meant it. â€Å"Thank your friend. I have a dress these will look great with.† â€Å"That must be a relief,† noted Carter, watching Erik ring the earrings up at the counter. â€Å"Proper accessories, I mean. Cody tells me you're doing a lot of dating these days. I don't suppose you read the book I sent you.† I slid my credit card over to Erik. Cody had seen my male entourage at the dance lesson, but I'd only told him about my subsequent date with Roman yesterday. â€Å"When did you talk to Cody?† â€Å"Last night.† â€Å"Funny, so did I. And here you are today. Are you following me around?† Carter's eyes danced merrily. â€Å"I was here first. Maybe you're following me around. Maybe you're starting to get into this dating thing and want to find a cunning way to come on to me.† I signed the credit card slip and handed it back to a quiet, listening Erik. â€Å"Sorry. I like my men to have a bit more life in them.† Carter chuckled quietly at my joke. Sex with other immortals gave me no energy payoff. â€Å"Georgina, sometimes I think you might be worth following around, just to hear what you'll say next.† Erik looked up. If he felt discomfort at being in the crossfire of two immortals, he did not show it. â€Å"Then perhaps you'd like to join us for tea, Mr. Carter? You were going to stay, weren't you, Miss Kincaid?† I gave Erik one of my better smiles. â€Å"Yes, of course.† â€Å"Mr. Carter?† â€Å"Thank you, but no. I've got things to do, and from the way I understand it, Georgina operates best one man at a time. It was nice seeing you as always, Erik. Thanks for chatting. As for you, Georgina†¦ well, I'm sure I'll be seeing you very soon.† Something in those words chilled me. It took every ounce of my resolve to sound calm as I called out to him. â€Å"Carter?† His hands touched the door. Pausing, he glanced back at me and arched an eyebrow in acknowledgment. â€Å"Does Jerome know you're here?† A slow, sly smile spread across the angel's face. â€Å"Are you going to tattle on me now, Georgina? And here I thought we were making such progress. Perhaps we should have drawn out the small talk a bit more. You could have asked me if the weather would change soon, I might have commented how pretty you looked today, etc., etc. You know how it goes.† I blinked. His words this time invoked the note on my door. You are a beautiful woman, Georgina. Beautiful enough, I think, to even tempt angels into falling†¦ Was he leaving me more clues? Toying with me in the way Cody had suggested? Or was I reading too much into this? Was he still just annoying Carter, bane of my existence, tormenting me like always? I honestly didn't know, but I still believed of all angels to be taking down evil immortals in the city, Carter had the most opportunity. â€Å"How pretty am I then?† My voice caught slightly. â€Å"Pretty enough to fall for?† The angel's lips twitched. â€Å"I knew you were coming on to me. See you later, Georgina, Erik.† He opened the door and left. I stood there, watching his retreating figure. â€Å"What was he doing here?† Erik set a tray with two cups down on the small table. â€Å"Come now, Miss Kincaid. I keep your secrets. You can't expect me to do any less for him.† â€Å"No, I suppose not.† Nor, I thought as the old man went to get the teapot, did I want to risk endangering him by getting him caught up in immortal affairs. Well, at least caught up more than he already was. He returned shortly and poured for us. â€Å"I had just put this on before you came in. I'm glad you're here to share it.† I tasted it. Another herbal blend. â€Å"What's this one called?† â€Å"Desire.† â€Å"Fitting,† I observed. Angels and conspiracies aside, I still hungered for Roman. â€Å"Did you find out anything?† â€Å"I'm afraid not. I asked around but learned nothing more about vampire hunters, nor did I get any indication of one in the area.† â€Å"That doesn't surprise me.† I sipped the tea. â€Å"I think something else is going on.† He said nothing, prudent as ever. â€Å"I know you won't tell me why he was here, and I understand that†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I trailed off, determining how best to phrase my words. â€Å"But what do you†¦ what do you think of him? Carter, that is. Has he done anything weird or seemed, I don't know, suspicious? Secretive?† Erik gave me a droll look. â€Å"Begging your pardon, but I have a number of customers – yourself inclusive – who fit that description.† No doubt that was an understatement. â€Å"Well, then, I don't know. Do you trust him?† â€Å"Mr. Carter?† Surprise registered across his features. â€Å"I've known him longer than I have you. If any of those ‘suspicious and secretive' customers can be trusted, he is certainly first among them. I'd place my life in his hands.† No surprise there. If Carter could fool Jerome, he could surely fool a mortal as well. Shifting gears, I asked: â€Å"Do you know anything about fallen angels?† â€Å"I would think you are already familiar with that topic, Miss Kincaid.† I wondered if he referred to the company I kept or the old myth that succubi were demons. For the record, we aren't. â€Å"Never ask a practitioner if you want to learn about a religion's history. Save those questions for outside scholars.† â€Å"Very true.† He smiled, thinking as he brought the cup to his lips. â€Å"Well. Surely you know that demons are angels who turned away from the divine will. They rebelled, or as it is commonly referred to, ‘fell.' Lucifer is generally accredited as being the first, and others left with him.† â€Å"That was in the beginning, though, right? One mass migration to the other side.† I frowned, still wondering about the technicalities of when angels fell. â€Å"What about later? Was that the only time it happened? Just that once?† Erik shook his head. â€Å"My impression is that it can happen still and has happened in the past. There are even documents suggesting – â€Å" The door opened, and a young couple walked in. Erik rose and smiled at them. â€Å"Do you have any books on tarot?† the girl asked. â€Å"For beginners?† Did he ever. Erik had a whole wall of them. The interruption frustrated me, but I didn't want to disrupt a chance for him to do some business. I gestured him toward the couple, drinking the rest of my tea. He led them to the appropriate section, energetically explaining certain titles and questioning their needs in further detail. I picked up my coat and purse, along with a box of the Desire tea. Erik watched me set a ten-dollar bill on the counter. â€Å"Keep the change,† I told him. Pausing from his discussion with the couple, he remarked to me, â€Å"Check†¦ let's see, I believe it's the beginning of Genesis 6†¦ verse 2 or 4 perhaps? There might be something to help you in there.† â€Å"Genesis? Like in the Bible?† He nodded, and I glanced around the book-lined shelves. â€Å"Where is it?† â€Å"I don't stock it, Miss Kincaid. I suspect your own resources will be more than adequate.† He returned to his customers, and I left, marveling at a man who could pull up biblical verses by number but not have a copy on hand. Still, he was right about me having ample resources, and my shift started soon anyway. I drove back to Queen Anne and found the street parking full. Digging my permit out from the glove box, I hung it on my rearview mirror and pulled into the tiny, private parking lot bordering an alley behind the bookstore. So many employees wanted to use the lot, I generally tried to avoid it when I could. As I walked toward the store, I caught sight of two cars pulled hood to hood and a redheaded figure leaning over them. Tammi. I liked the teenager a lot, but she also had a tendency to chat. Not wanting to delay my biblical search, I stepped into some shadows and shape-shifted into a nondescript man she wouldn't know. I then walked on past her, barely getting a second glance as she jumped the car. I changed back to my normal body once I was out of sight again. A momentary sense of windedness hit me, gone just as quickly as it had arrived. Cross-gender shape-shifting always took a bite out of me, which was why I had resisted Peter's silly haircut-modeling suggestion. I had probably just lost a few days' worth of my Martin-induced energy surplus. That left me with a couple weeks at least, but I felt the succubus feeding need stir slightly within me anyway, no doubt agitated by my perpetual longing for Roman. The bookstore hummed with normal weekday business when I arrived. Immediately, I sought out our religion section. I had directed people to it on a number of occasions; I had even pulled select titles from it. What I had not done was pay close attention to just how many Bibles existed. â€Å"Jesus,† I muttered, staring at the various translations. There were Bibles for women and men respectively, Bibles for teens, illustrated Bibles, large-print Bibles, gold-embossed Bibles. At last I caught sight of the King James Version. I knew little about it, but at least I recognized the title. Pulling it off the shelf, I flipped to Genesis 6 and read Erik's passage: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, ‘My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.' There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Well. That cleared everything up. I reread the passage a few more times, hoping to get something more out of it. I finally determined Erik must have given me the wrong chapter number. He'd been distracted, after all. This passage, by my estimation, had nothing to do with angels, falling, or even the cosmic battle of good and evil. What it did seem to be about, however, was human procreation. It didn't take a biblical scholar to figure out what â€Å"the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men† meant, especially when children followed in the next phrase. Sex had sold books back in the old days, just as it did now. I wondered if Erik had given me the passage number as a joke. â€Å"Are you finding religion?† I looked up first into a Pac-Man T-shirt, then into Seth's inquisitive face. â€Å"Found and lost it a long time ago, I'm afraid.† I shut the book as he knelt down beside me. â€Å"Just looking up something. How are Cady and O'Neill today?† â€Å"Making good progress on their latest case.† He smiled fondly, and I found myself studying the amber-brown of his eyes. I'd had a few more e-mail exchanges with him in the last few days and enjoyed my mininovels, though our spoken conversation had seen little improvement. â€Å"I just finished a chapter and needed to take a break. Walk around, get something to drink.† â€Å"No caffeine, I presume.† I had learned Seth didn't drink caffeinated beverages, which I found both frightening and unnatural. â€Å"No. No caffeine.† â€Å"You shouldn't knock it. It might increase your writing output.† â€Å"Ah yes, that's right. You don't think my books come out fast enough.† I groaned, remembering the day I'd met him. â€Å"I think my own words came out a little too fast that first day.† â€Å"No way. You were brilliant. I'll never forget it.† His quizzical mask slipped briefly, just as it had at the dance lesson, and I once again saw male interest and appreciation cross his features. Crouching beside him, I again had a momentary sense of naturalness, like I normally had with Doug or one of the immortals. Something friendly and soothing. Like Seth and I had known each other forever. Maybe I had, in a manner of speaking, through his books. And yet, at the same time, being this close to him proved disconcerting as well. Distracting. I began noticing things like the lean muscles in his arms and the way his messy brown hair framed his face. Even the gold sheen of light hitting his facial hair and the shape of his lips held my attention. Turning away, I felt the base thirst for life energy twitch in me, and I repressed the urge to reach out and touch his face. The outside shape-shifting had caused more damage than I realized. I still didn't really require a true refill of energy, but the succubus instinct was getting irritable. I needed to squelch it soon, but certainly not with Seth. I stood up hastily, still holding the Bible, wanting to get away from him. He rose with me. â€Å"Well,† I began awkwardly when neither of us said anything for a few moments, â€Å"I need to get to work here.† He nodded, the interest in his face turning to apprehension. â€Å"I†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Hmm?† Swallowing, he looked away briefly then back to me, his eyes now focused with determination. â€Å"So, I'm going to this party on Sunday, and I wondered if maybe†¦ maybe if you weren't busy or weren't working, you could maybe, that is, maybe you'd want to come with me.† I stared, speechless. Had Seth Mortensen just asked me out? And hadn't†¦ hadn't we just had a coherent conversation for once? Combined with me suddenly noticing how attractive he was, the very world seemed to be turning on its side. Worse still, I wanted to accept. Something about Seth suddenly felt natural and right, even if it wasn't like the rollercoaster of excitement I felt with Roman. Somewhere in this bizarre, awkward relationship, I'd grown to genuinely like the writer independent of his novels. But I couldn't accept. I knew I couldn't. I cursed myself for my initial flirtation; it had apparently stuck with him, despite my efforts to undo it and stay platonic. Part of me felt dismayed, part of me pleased. All of me knew what I had to do. â€Å"No,† I answered bluntly, still stunned. â€Å"Oh.† I had no choice. No way could I have Seth attracted to me. No way could I risk anything but an arm's-length friendship with my favorite books' creator. Realizing how rude I had sounded, I attempted a hasty recovery. I should have simply said I had to work, but instead, I found myself babbling on with a variant of what I had used on Doug over the years. â€Å"You see†¦ I'm not really interested in dating right now or getting involved with anyone. So, it's nothing personal, I mean, the party sounds great and all, but I just can't accept. I don't ever accept things like that, actually. Like I said, it isn't personal. It's just easier not to get involved. To not date. Um, ever.† Seth studied me for a long time, considering, and I was suddenly reminded of that first night when he looked much the same way while I explained my five-page rule with his books. Finally, he said, â€Å"Oh. Okay. But†¦ aren't you dating that guy? The really tall one with black hair?† â€Å"No. We're not dating. Not really. We're just, uh, friends. Sort of.† â€Å"Oh,† Seth repeated. â€Å"Friends don't go to parties together, then?† â€Å"No.† I hesitated, suddenly wishing I had a different answer. â€Å"They can maybe have coffee sometimes. Here in the bookstore.† â€Å"I don't drink coffee.† There was a sharpness to his voice. I felt like I'd been slapped. We stood there then in what was quite possibly among the top five most uncomfortable moments of my life. The silence stretched out between us. At last, I repeated my lame exit excuse: â€Å"I have to get back to work.† â€Å"Okay. See you around.† Just friends, just friends. How many times had I used that line? How many times had the lie been easier than facing up to the truth? I'd even used it on my husband so long ago, again hiding from the reality of a matter I didn't want to admit to when things had turned sour between us. â€Å"Just friends?† Kyriakos had repeated, dark eyes staring at me. â€Å"Of course. He's your friend too, you know. He just keeps me company when you're gone, that's all. It's lonely without you.† But I never told my husband how often his friend Ariston came to visit or how we always seemed to be finding excuses to touch each other. A casual brush here and there. His hand to help me up. Or the one day that still burned in my memory, when he had reached over me to grab a bottle, and his hand had grazed my breast. I'd given an involuntary gasp, and he'd lingered for a heartbeat before carrying on with his task. And I didn't tell Kyriakos that Ariston made me feel like I had in the early days of my marriage, like I was clever, beautiful, and desirable. Ariston lavished me with the attention Kyriakos once had; Ariston loved the sharp wit that had once gotten me into trouble as an unmarried maiden. As for Kyriakos†¦ well, I assumed he loved those things too, but he didn't show it so much anymore. His father was making him work longer and longer hours, and when he finally got home, he would collapse into bed or seek the solitude of his flute. I hated that flute†¦ hated it and loved it. I loathed that it seemed to hold his attention more than I did. Yet, on some nights, when I sat outside and listened to him play, I felt awed at his skill and that ability to create such sweetness. But that didn't change the fact that I slept untouched more often than not. When I told him I'd never get pregnant that way, he'd laugh and tell me we had all the time in the world for children. This troubled me because I honestly – and irrationally – believed that having a baby would somehow fix everything between us. I ached for one, missing the way my little sisters had once felt in my arms. I loved the honesty and the innocence of children and liked to think I might help guide one into becoming a good person. Nothing seemed so sweet to me in those days as cleaning cuts, holding small hands, and telling stories. Furthermore, I had reached a point where I needed to know that I could have a baby. Three years of marriage was a long time to go without a child in those days, and I'd seen the way others were starting to whisper that poor Letha might be barren. I hated their simpering and sickeningly sugared pity. I should have told Kyriakos everything that was on my mind, every last detail. But he was so sweet and worked so hard to provide for us, I couldn't bear it. I didn't want to shake the contentment that ostensibly filled our household just for my own self-gratification and need for attention. Besides, it wasn't like he always neglected my body. A bit of coaxing, and I could sometimes get him to answer my desire. We'd come together in the middle of the night then, his body moving in mine with the same passion he used in his music. Yet, looking at Ariston some days, I had the feeling he wouldn't need any coaxing at all. And as empty days without Kyriakos passed, that started to mean something. Just friends, just friends. Standing there in the bookstore, watching Seth walk away, I half wondered how anyone could still use that line. But I knew why, of course. It was used because people still believed it. Or at least they wanted to. When I returned downstairs – feeling sad, angry, and idiotic all at the same time – I stumbled upon a scenario guaranteed to make my day even weirder: Helena from Krystal Starz stood there in front of the registers, gesticulating wildly to the cashiers. Helena here. On my turf. Swallowing my confusion over Seth, I strode over in my best managerial way, still carrying the Bible. â€Å"Is there something I can help you with?† Helena spun around, making the crystals around her neck tinkle as they hit each other. â€Å"It's her – she's the one. The one who stole my staff.† I glanced behind the counter. Casey and Beth stood there, looking relieved to see me. Tammi and her friend Janice must have been somewhere else in the store, for which I was grateful. Best to keep them out of this. I kept my voice cool, ever-conscious of the customers observing. â€Å"I'm sure I don't know what you mean.† â€Å"Don't start that with me! You know exactly what I mean. You walked into my store, made a scene, and then lured away my staff. They left without notice!† â€Å"People have recently applied for jobs here,† I responded blandly. â€Å"I can't really keep track of where they used to work. As assistant manager, however, I can empathize with the inconvenience of employees who leave without giving notice.† â€Å"Stop that!† Helena exclaimed, hardly resembling the cool, collected diva from last week. â€Å"Do you think I can't see through your lies? You walk in darkness, your aura wreathed in fire!† â€Å"What's on fire?† Doug and Warren walked up, obviously attracted by the mounting spectacle. â€Å"Her,† Helena proclaimed, pointing at me, using the New Age raspy voice. Warren eyed me curiously, as though actually assessing for flames. â€Å"Georgina?† â€Å"She stole my employees. Just came in and took them like that. I could sue, you know. When I tell my lawyers – â€Å" â€Å"Which employees?† † Tammiand Janice.† I cringed, waiting to see what this new development would unleash. Despite his many shortcomings, Warren did have a smooth sense of customer service and professionalism. I worried what might ensue if my poaching received further investigation. He frowned, trying to match faces with names apparently. â€Å"Wait†¦ didn't one of them jump my car today?† † Tammidid.† He snorted dismissively. â€Å"We're not giving them back.† Helena turned beet red. â€Å"You can't – â€Å" â€Å"Ma'am, I am sorry for your inconvenience, but I can hardly pass back workers who have signed employment papers with us and are unwilling to work for you anymore. There's always turnover in retail. I'm sure you'll find someone soon.† She turned on me, still pointing. â€Å"I won't forget this. Even if I can't get you back for this, the universe will repay your cruel and twisted nature. You will die miserable and alone. Unloved. Friendless. Childless. Your life will have amounted to nothing.† So much for New Age love and kindness. I hardly feared her comments about dying, but the other adjectives dug in a little. Miserable and alone. Unloved. Friendless. Childless. Warren, however, felt no such concerns for me. â€Å"Ma'am, Georgina's the last one I'd accuse of having a ‘cruel' nature or leading a meaningless life. She holds this place together, and I trust her judgment implicitly – including the hiring of your former employees. Now unless you would like to make a purchase, I must ask you to leave before I'm forced to call the authorities.† Helena spouted off more curses and woes to us, no doubt entertaining the customers waiting in line. To my surprise, Warren continued holding his ground. He usually went out of his way to smooth customer relations and put our best foot forward, even at his employees' expense. Today he didn't apparently feel like humoring anyone. It was refreshing. When Helena left, he retreated to his office without another word, and Doug and I stood there, astonishment quickly giving way to amusement. â€Å"The things you cause, Kincaid.† â€Å"What? Don't peg that one on me.† â€Å"Are you kidding? Freaky witch women never showed up before you started working here.† â€Å"How would you know? I started before you.† Checking my watch, I turned thoughtful. â€Å"You're still here for a while today, aren't you?† â€Å"Yup. Lucky for you. Why?† â€Å"No reason.† I left him there and walked to the back offices. Instead of turning left for my office, however, I turned right into Warren's. He sat at his desk, packing his briefcase, preparing to leave now that his car was ready. â€Å"Don't tell me she's back.† â€Å"No.† I closed the door behind me. This made him look up. â€Å"I just wanted to thank you.† Warren eyed me shrewdly. â€Å"Kicking irrational customers out is part of my job.† â€Å"Yeah, but last time I didn't get praised. I had to apologize.† He shrugged, thinking of an incident from a year ago. â€Å"Well, that was different. You called an old woman a hypocritical, pathological Nazi neophyte.† â€Å"She was.† â€Å"If you say so.† His eyes still watched my every move. I walked over to him, setting the Bible down on his desk. Climbing onto his chair, I straddled his lap, making my tight red skirt ride up considerably, revealing the lace-covered tops of black thigh-highs underneath. I leaned in to kiss him, at first just running my teeth tauntingly over his lips, and then suddenly pressing my mouth in hard. He returned the kiss with equal fervor, hands automatically sliding up the backs of my thighs to cup my ass. †Christ,† he breathed when we broke apart slightly. One of his hands moved to my face, the other toyed with the thong I wore under my skirt. His fingers ran along its lacy edge and then pushed upward inside me, at first just delicately probing and then sliding up the full length. I was already wet from a sudden desire and breathed deeply as I savored those long, smooth strokes. Warren watched me with approval. â€Å"What's this all about?† â€Å"What's what? We do this all the time.† â€Å"You never initiate it.† â€Å"I told you, I'm grateful.† That was true, actually. I had found his defense rather endearing. Also, still burning with Roman-lust and now maybe Seth-lust, I suddenly found Warren convenient in the wake of my grouchy succubus hunger. The hand by my face wound up a lock of hair, and he turned pensive, although he didn't stop what he was doing between my legs. â€Å"Georgina†¦ I hope†¦ I hope you know what we do here in no way affects your job. You have no obligations – no danger of losing your position here if – â€Å" I laughed out loud, surprised by this oddly considerate side. â€Å"I know that.† â€Å"I mean it – â€Å" â€Å"I know that,† I repeated, biting his lower lip with my teeth. â€Å"Don't go soft on me all of a sudden,† I growled. â€Å"That's not what I'm here for.† He didn't interrupt again, and I let myself sink into the pleasure of contact. The feel of his tongue in my mouth, his hands brazenly exploring my body. After a long morning of sexual frustration, I just needed it from someone – anyone. He unbuttoned my blouse and tossed it to the floor, where it rested in a black, silken pile. My skirt and thong followed, leaving me only in thigh-highs, bra, and heels. All black. He shifted his body, still in the chair, so that I could pull his pants off. Seeing him there – long, straight, and hard – made me move his hand out of me. Fingers no longer satisfied me. I wrapped my legs more tightly around his hips, as much as the chair would allow. Then, without further warning, I thrust my body down, plunging him inside me. I arched my body so that I could take him deeper, then moved in steady, repeated thrusts. Looking back down, I watched him glide in and out. There was no sound in the room save that of flesh on flesh and our heavy breathing. With penetration came a flood of feeling and sensations from him – different from the physical ones. As a less noble soul, his energy and presence did not knock me across the room like Martin's had. Succubi absorption depended on the victim's character. Strong, moral souls yielded more to the succubus and took a huge bite out of the guy. Corrupt men lost less and consequently gave less. Regardless of his energy or moral fiber, I did catch snippets of Warren's thoughts and emotions as I rode him. This was normal. They came through with his life force. Desire certainly was foremost in his mind. Smug pride at being with a younger, attractive woman. Excitement. Surprise. He had little remorse about cheating on his wife – contributing to the lower energy yield – and even the brief fondness for me he'd displayed earlier gave way to raw lust. So fucking hot. So wet. Love the way she rides me. Hope she comes and comes on top of me†¦ I did, as it turned out. My movements becoming harder and fiercer as our bodies slapped together. My leg muscles clenching. Neck arched back again. Breasts hot and sweaty from where he'd clutched them. The orgasm reverberating through me. Spasms of pleasure growing fainter and fainter as my breathing slowly returned to normal. And the energy fix wasn't bad either. It had leaked into me slowly throughout our building passion, starting off as fine glittering threads. Near the end, however, it had become strong and bright, pouring into me, reinvigorating my own life, fueling my immortality in a glorious climax that rivaled the physical one. When we both had our clothes back on, I made moves for an exit. Small energy loss or no, Warren always felt exhausted and worn after we'd been together. He thought it was the result of his age going up against a younger, more active woman. I did nothing to change his attitude but usually tried to discretely leave, so he wouldn't feel self-conscious around me in his fatigue. I knew it bothered him to think he couldn't keep up with me. â€Å"Georgina?† he called as I moved to the door. â€Å"Why are you carrying a Bible? You aren't trying to convert customers, are you?† â€Å"Oh. That. Just researching something for a friend. It's applicable, actually. All about sex.† He wiped sweat off his brow. â€Å"After years and years of church, I think I'd remember any good sex scenes.† â€Å"Well, it's not so much a scene as a clinical description of procreation.† â€Å"Ah. Lots of those.† On impulse, I walked over to him and opened up Genesis 6. â€Å"See?† I pointed to the appropriate verses. â€Å"All these mentions of men taking women. They say it, like, three times.† Warren studied the book with a frown, and I remembered that he had not opened this place without a substantial background in literary study. â€Å"Well†¦ it's repeated because here when it says ‘men began to multiply on the face of the earth,' it's referring to human men.† I looked up sharply. â€Å"What do you mean ‘human'?† â€Å"Here. The ‘sons of God' aren't human men. They're angels.† â€Å"What?† If I'd been holding the book, I would have dropped it. â€Å"Are you sure?† â€Å"Positive. Like I said, years of church services. They use this term throughout the Bible.† He flipped to Job. â€Å"See? Here it is again. ‘Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.' It's referring to angels – fallen angels in this case.† I swallowed. â€Å"What†¦ what were they doing in Genesis then? With the ‘daughters of men'? Were†¦ were the angels having sex with human women?† â€Å"Well, it says the women were ‘fair.' Hard to blame them, huh?† He gave me an admiring sweep as he spoke. â€Å"I don't know. This isn't a point discussed a lot in church, as I'm sure you can imagine. Mostly we emphasized human sin and guilt, but I ignored that.† I continued to stare at the book, dumbfounded, yet suddenly ablaze with ideas and theories. Warren eyed me curiously when I didn't respond to his joke. â€Å"Does that help you any?† â€Å"Yes,† I said, recovering myself. â€Å"It helps a lot.† I surprised him with a soft kiss on the lips, took the Bible, and left.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Home Schooling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Home Schooling - Essay Example Looking at the nature of homeschooling it can be noticed that it seriously needs regulation. The regulation comes with challenges. The regulation of homeschooling has over the years had various critics criticizing its necessity. As much as there are various points that successfully explain the lack of necessity for homeschooling, there are arguments with bigger intensity explaining the need for regulating homeschooling. The arguments mainly proves the necessity of regulation of homeschooling to ensure its productivity. Discussion One reason why home schooling should be regulated is because of the high rate at which its rising and the high possibility of it being abused. Some parents might take advantage of homeschooling to serve their own interests. This is a possibility in cases where parents are trying to hide some aspects of their current or past lives. For instance, violent parents might take advantage of homeschooling to hide the inhuman things that they do to their children. Th is way they will be able to hide the bruises that result from the mistreatment that they subject their children to. This will create a scenario where the children will be having their basic rights violated, but no one will come to their rescue because no one knows. This can also be used by parents with criminal records to serve their own interest (Kunzman, 2009). However, it is clearly evident that this can have very minimal effect on the overall effectiveness of the productivity of homeschooling. Homeschooling should also be regulated because of the quality of education that all individuals are entitled to. Researches have it that, without proper regulation, the quality of education given to homeschooling students can easily be compromised. As much as there is always a fixed curriculum to be followed by both homeschool and public school teachers, it is hard to tell whether the homeschool teachers effectively cover the curriculum. This will mean that, in the end, the students would not have attained the intellectual maturity that is expected of a student that has gone through the United States of America’s education system (McMullen, 2002). The ultimate result of this sub quality education is that the students will not be able to keep up with the students going through the standard type of education both at higher levels of education and in various professions. Students who have gone through homeschooling through their high school years are less expected to major in the natural sciences than the non-homeschooled students, and that more attention has to go to this because of the growing number of homeschooled students in the United States of America. Homeschooled students are not exposed to professional science teachers and labs and so do not have as many options, with their growing number this could be a threat the education system (Phillips, 2010). This will definitely call for regulation because the increase in the number of people being homeschooled will, therefore, mean that there is a significant decrease in the number of professionals in natural science, a factor that might affect the country economically, politically and socially. Taking a look at the motives that parents usually have when

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Tuberculosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tuberculosis - Essay Example The disease is spread by people who have the disease when they either cough, sneeze, spit, or talk. One sneeze can send about 40,000 droplets full of the infection. A person with the disease can spread it to 10-15 people a year with prolonged contact. Tuberculosis is often a difficult disease to diagnose, because of how hard it is to grow the bacterium inside laboratory conditions. Various tests must be done, including x-rays, smears, cultures, skin tests, as well as a look at past medical history. New ways of faster more accurate types of detection of the disease are underway, hoping these quicker ways of detection can help with controlling the disease. Treatment for the drug is given in the form of antibiotics. Long terms of these antibiotics are needed in order to clear the entire bacterium from the body, and is often treated with a combination of antibiotics. However, there are risks involved when combining the different antibiotics, even thought it is helpful incase the bacterium becomes drug resistant to one of the antibiotics. Even with the fast spreading nature of the disease, prevention is still underway. In 1993, the World Health Organization declared that the fast spreading Tuberculosis disease was in fact a global health emergency, and a global plan has gone into effect which aims to save lives from Tuberculosis between 2006-20015. The prevention of Tuberculosis is split into two waves of attack. In the first wave, people who are known to have Tuberculosis are treated, and all people with immerse contact with that person are also found and treated. The second step in prevention the spread of the deadly disease is vaccines. Vaccines are given to children; however an effective vaccine is not available for adults. In some countries, the vaccines is being required to be given to all children under the age of three to try to combat the rapidly spreading bacterium. Several new methods of preventing the disease are also underway. One such

Manager in a Big Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Manager in a Big Corporation - Essay Example The product of Nestle mostly contains baby food, packed water, cereals, coffee confectionary, dairy products and snacks. It is considered that the company has 28 brands under its umbrella that includes well-known brands like Nescafe, Kit Kat, Smarties, Nesquik, and Maggi among others (Kowitt, 2010). It has also been viewed that the company nearby has 450 manufacturing plants that operates in more than 86 countries globally providing employment opportunities to more than 328,000 people. Nestle holds around 24.5% share of L’Oreal Group which is considered to be the world’s largest cosmetic group (Mulier, 2011). It is worth mentioning that Google have announced that it would name the next android after the ever popular chocolate wafer of nestle i.e. Kit Kat. However, over the year the company has been under varies controversies that have affected the brand image to a great extent (Kelion, 2013). Problem Definition Despite Nestle’s best effort to design, manufacture and sell safe and reliable products there stills remains probabilities that the product manufactured may contain dangerous and defective aspect and that may reach the consumer or the final customer. Correspondingly, there have been several instances when the company has to recall its products causing financial loss and hampering the goodwill of the company. Notably, a product recall is a situation or recall made by a company to return a batch or an entire production made of a particular product range usually resulting from the discovery of safety issues or a product defect (Foerster & et al., 2011). Product recall is usually a way of decreasing the liability resulting from... This paper stresses that unique liability challenges co-exist for every organization despite of conducting business in sales, manufacturing or distribution of products to the final customers. It is vital for every organization to provide the best quality product to their customers. In certain cases, it has been viewed that lack of proper operational aspects results in certain activities which sometimes affects the organizations brand image. Among all product recall is considered to one such corporate situation that could disturb a manager. The major reason behind product recall is considered to be resulting from lack of proper guidance and poor working condition. Additionally, it is believed that good knowledge of the standard packaging measures also leads in product recall by a company. This report makes a conclusion that in today’s corporate world Product recall is considered to be more prevalent that it was decades ago and has therefore become an inevitable part of business. In this competitive business world the issue of product recall plays a vital role as it not only helps in maintaining the leading position amid its customers but also helps in understanding the role and responsibility of an organization towards the society. With reference to the above discussion and finding obtained from the research conducted, it can be stated that adaption of modern technological aspects would serve as an effective way of mitigating the issues contributing towards the product defects and thereby reducing the challenges of product recall.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Love and Acceptance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Love and Acceptance - Essay Example Examining the importance of this in Morrison through â€Å"The Bluest Eye,† â€Å"Songs of Solomon,† â€Å"Beloved† and â€Å"A Mercy,† are able to define and change the understanding of the novels and how this relates to the several angles that are associated with love and acceptance, specifically with the internal perceptions, relations to the external environment and others and the responses which are given by individual characters. The Overlapping Theme of Love in Morrison The concept of love is one which is found in most of Morrison’s novels and is one of the overlapping themes that continue to be explored. The theme which Morrison follows is one which combines the actions one takes for love as well as the perceptions of love which are attributed to different characters. The belief that is created when looking at the various novels is that the expression and perception of love is dependent on the character, background and the circumstances whic h are surrounding a given situation. The concept which Morrison carries with her personal philosophy is to develop an understanding of how each of the characters would perceive love as a central theme in their lives. When asked about the notion of love in the characters, Morrison states â€Å"With a character, I do what an actress does: I get inside, I try to see what it looks like and how they feel and let them do what I think they’d do. At the moment I’m writing, I love all of that, I love them†¦You just write what you think is your truth. Everybody isn’t everybody† (Morrison, Guthrie, 71-72). ... The changing ideology of love and acceptance then comes from Morrison’s examination of the character acceptance and flaws within each of the novels. The approach which Morrison takes is one which becomes important because the concept of love and acceptance is no longer limited and is only expressed by each of the characters. There is the ability for Morrison to change this ideology into the rejection of love, projection of dysfunctions or with the loss of romantic love. This is done with the sense of investigation and how other environmental issues and concepts relate to love and acceptance. The background of Morrison is one which incorporates an investigation of concepts such as culture, definitions of love in society and other associations with her investigation of love, specifically to show how these elements change the perspective of being in love. It is noted that this comes from Morrison’s background as an African – American living in the south and seeing t he divisions and questions about identity that were a part of the lifestyle. The works which she created then questioned the ideas of culture and identity and how this led to different perceptions of love or the absence of it, dependent on the perceptions of the character. â€Å"All the books are questions for me. I write them because I don’t know something in there I really did not understand: what is the problem between a pair of lovers who really love one another but are culturally different?... How can you manage to love another person under these circumstances if your culture, your class, your education are that different† (Morrison, Guthrie, 270). The main ideology which Morrison

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How Entrepreneurial Firms from Developing Markets Are Using Unique Essay - 1

How Entrepreneurial Firms from Developing Markets Are Using Unique Business Models and Strategies As They Transition Into Emerging Multinationals - Essay Example The paper tells that the developed world markets have experienced an influx of multinational companies or rather corporations (MNCs) with economies for countries such as Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico among others being among the key locations for growth in the near future. In the attempt to find a niche in these global markets, most of the MNC’s have concentrated their focus on the established and wealthy elite who rank top on the economic pyramid. This has given rise to an â€Å"imperialistic form of a mindset† where the existing products are sold to the established markets in the global markets. By the maintaining the focus on the affluent consumers and some partner-organizations who participated actively in the formal economy, it implied that much of general consumer capabilities were being taken for granted. Low-income markets also referred to as the base of the economic triangle offers both tremendous opportunities to tap despite the unique challenges. In the recent ye ars, entrepreneurial firms from developing markets seem to have noted a loophole in the global market that when capitalized on can aid in the tapping of the untapped sectors of the market. Tapping on the opportunities and challenges at the base of the economic pyramid. The opportunities linked with the market at the base of the economic pyramid are gradually becoming significant to both business managers and scholars. There is evidently more than meet the sight when considering the consumers having annual purchasing power parity of 1500 dollars or even less. In fact, any business trying to find its footage in a new environment is bound to face quite a number of challenges. As a business strategy for new global ventures, entrepreneurs have been turning on to partner organizations for resources and expertise they are lacking. Just as is the requirement by most governments, it becomes indispensable that the new entrants in the global market have a corporate partner in the host country who will ensure market accessibility in the new economies. Moreover, the entrepreneurial firms that are entering the base of the pyramid strata of the market economy have had to expand dramatically the field of potential alliance partners.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Algebra Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Algebra - Essay Example After writing the augmented matrix for this system, use elementary row operations to reduce this to reduced row-echelon form. If the entries in the last column do not affect the values in the entries in the first n columns and if we take the same set of elementary row operations and apply them to A we will get In and so A is row equivalent to In since we can get to In by applying a finite set of row operations to A.   6) A is expressible as a product of elementary matrices, because every elementary matrices are invertible and its inverse is also an elementary matrices. A square matrix is only invertible if it can be written as a product of an elementary matrix. 7) A family of vectors is linearly independent if none of them can be written as a linear combination of finitely many other vectors in the collection. An alternative method uses the fact that n vectors in Rn are linearly dependent if and only if the determinant of the matrix formed by the vectors is zero. 8) To prove that columns span Rn, finding the basis of the column-space is essential. Then you must reduce the matrix and see if the rank = n; there has to be n linearly independent. columns, which is very easy to see if the matrix is reduced. The basis is the columns of the original matrix, not the columns of the reduced form. An invertible matrix A, determinant (A) != 0 (not equal to zero). 10) Rank A = n because in linear algebra, the column rank (row rank respectively) of a matrix A with entries in some field is defined to be the maximal number of columns (rows respectively) of A which are linearly

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Reflections of the Communist Manifesto and the Social Movement Essay Example for Free

Reflections of the Communist Manifesto and the Social Movement Essay For many, these ideals include national and social institutions, which make up the essence of their government allowing its citizens to identify with the status quo and maintain balance in their society. The question is not which institutions should be valued for most would agree that a proper balance of these make up any government; the main question lies in which institutions a society should value in order to achieve their goal, thus separating the school of thought pertaining to conservative and liberal thinkers. The simple and straightforward institution of a hierarchy comes into play when discussing the ideas of such thinkers. Maintaining a proper government is a delicate and complicated skill only acquired by the educated, rational men set out to implement it. Said skills â€Å"require a deep knowledge of human nature†¦ and of the things which facilitate or obstruct the various ends which are to be pursued by the mechanism of civil institutions† and is the civic duty of only certain members of society. If the government belonged to the State and was the sole property belonging to every individual within that State, there would never be a balance, for not every man is entitled nor has the necessary knowledge to carry out the needs of the State. In other words, not every man in society may acquire these skills in the same way considering some men will be naturally better and faster than others. Specializations do and must exist in society, some belonging to politicians and persons of State, others to farmers and shopkeepers, and others to scholars and true professionals. It is irrational to assume that one would resort to a professor of metaphysics with regards to food or medicine as opposed to a farmer or a physician1. Karl Marx rightfully entertained the idea, however, that the bourgeoisie eliminated industries and institutions (and will continue to do so), laid out by history hundreds of years before, and in doing so created an unstable and fragile ground for the birth of new institutions which would inevitably meet their doom under the control of the ever changing bourgeoisie revolution. In this respect, we should commend Marx, for his insight in the matter justifies the idea that the bourgeoisie revolution was performed rashly and ignorantly with complete disregard for the citizens (other than those pertaining to their own group) that would be affected. All the â€Å"fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify† and therefore will never maintain what is necessary to carry out a proper, balanced government. These barbaric groups of individuals only take into account their personal gain; they always seek and will seek the best way to take advantage of their political power. We must acknowledge that, as opposed to the godless society that socialism proposes under what seems like an imaginative state of mind, the bourgeoisie still maintain the stratification system that any society would be lost without. However, this system means very little without the hard-earned and well established institutions which lasted centuries, pleased millions and most importantly survived the test of time when even the greatest of men could not. With said institutions displaced, there are none to replace them for â€Å"no simple disposition or direction of power can be suitable either to man’s nature, or to the quality of his affairs† which makes the bourgeoisie unprepared and simply unfit to compose a brand new government to fill the hole left in current society. Marx justly shames the bourgeois State for not only eradicating long standing institutions. And I venture further in shaming them, for â€Å"our institutions can never be embodied†¦ so as to create in us love, veneration, admiration, or attachment†¦. [And] that sort of reason which banishes the ffections is incapable of filling their place†3. To think that a group of selfish, barbaric, rash individuals can enhance a government that was built on devotion and respect is a false assumption of all that is reasonable. Granted, Karl Marx would do away with all forms of stratification, but he still recognizes one of the greatest faults in th e current regime: the bourgeoisie â€Å"has reduced the family relation to a mere money relation†. It has converted our most sacred institution into a power- and production-gaining scheme where arrogance is encouraged and love for our country blatantly dejected. Marx firmly believed that the entirety of the working class was to unite and create a communal system in which every man is entitled the fruits of other men’s labor and vice-versa. This view includes the idea that all property is communal and that man has no country, meaning all major aspects of current economy should belong to the State. Hard working men fulfill their duty for all of society to benefit and no one particular man would be deemed to work better, faster, or for a higher wage than another man, in any form (through wages, property or social status). Simple measures must be implemented in order to win the battle of democracy which include, among others, the removal of all private property and the appropriation of all rents of land to the State, the â€Å"abolition of all rights of inheritance† and the centralization of the State, where all assets pertaining to individuals are to turnover to the government. Thus, property is the least of concerns for the citizen, allowing him to concentrate on providing for the State and continuing the honorable day’s work with shoulders free of the burden of property. Once this is achieved, the opportunity for one class to gain influence or to oppress another, is abolished and with it the concept of political power and class distinction. Such is the view of the communist thinker: a delusional and imagined society where all that is needed for its success is the simple division of all property and the encouragement of camaraderie between all working men. But a decent, well educated thinker would easily disprove this idiotic belief. Property is one of the best traditional institutions. It allows for diversity in classes where by nature, no one can or should be equal. One cannot deny that a man’s natural rights â€Å"exist in total independence† of government and therefore there is no need for its interference in the most sacred of rights: private property. This distinction, granted from birth is, in the views of a sane mind, â€Å"neither unnatural, nor unjust, nor impolitic†7. In simpler words, the right to private property provides, for the stabilization of the State as a whole, security for those entitled to family wealth. The family, one of the strongest and most important traditional institutions in present-day society, depends on â€Å"the power of perpetuating property [for it is]†¦ one of the most valuable and interesting circumstances belonging to it, and that which tends the most to the perpetuation of society itself†7. Without the appropriation of property to the rightful group, the institution composed of family and its values is dissolved. Any paradigm advocating the abolition of property and the removal of family values cannot act as the basis for a successful government. There must be a deprivation of the power to subdue the labor of others through the unequal distribution of products, they say, but â€Å"let [the] large proprietors be†¦the ballast in the vessel of the commonwealth† to allow for balance in society so men can understand the value of their work and the importance of their family. Revolutionaries of any breed, the bourgeois or the socialists, must learn that stomping their feet in protest will merely cause them pain against the cold, stone ground. That is to say, only a well educated, pious, well mannered people should and must control a government to guide and protect the ignorant minds of its subjects for â€Å"even in the mass and body as well as in the individuals, the inclinations of men should frequently be thwarted, their will controlled, and their passions brought into subjection†9. We simply cannot allow a group of uneducated, irrational men to control a government meant for an elite, highly educated and well mannered society. For this very reason, not only is the bourgeoisie unfit to rule society but also the socialist party must be prevented from assuming any sort of political influence on the State. The current state of affairs is an utter disgrace where inferior, mechanical and unlearned men have the fate their peers in their hands. If Marx’s socialists were to have their way, society will meet its doom much faster and under more shame than if any other form of barbaric, rashly driven group were in its place. The pride and essence of any government or institution relies on a well established, patient and fitting group of individuals for â€Å"it is [this] substance and mass of the body which constitutes its character, and must finally determine its direction†10. Marx’s socialists are merely workers, petty wage-laborers that rely on a week’s work for a day’s subsistence; the very same people that cloud the streets in filth, spread disease and would barely be able to make out the headline of a newspaper. To even slightly entertain the idea that such a group is equal or shares the same sensibilities and needs that accompany a respectable and cultured man throughout his day, is preposterous. And to venture further into saying that the work of every man, regardless of merit or education or natural social status, shall be uniformly divided amongst every participant and no one man shall acquire more or less than the man next to him, is an even more appalling idea than the latter. To substitute an ignorant bourgeois regime, â€Å"we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for free development of all† and where the stratification of class shall be abolished. Is this really the rational conclusion men have come to? Have we no faith or hope for the progress and rightful place of the well respected man in society? That in order for our world to succeed, we must work for the benefit of godless men who have no filial or patriotic attachment to any substance of value and who regard proper morals as a form of subjection? This so called proletariat class of unskilled or semiskilled workers will shortly meet its demise for even throughout the leadership of the great royal family, one could easily identify the greed and avarice in the eyes of the lower class and surely a concentrated group of these people with a shameless lack of education and culture will stray into the hands of said petty feelings once more if only given the opportunity. We cannot entrust and put forth our most sacred ideals and morals in the hands of those who know not what they are or what to do with them. Simply put, â€Å"by having a right to every thing, they [will] want every thing† and thus we can expect they will take from those who respectfully and naturally obtained their fortune, both material and otherwise. The irrational concept of socialism and the so called solution to the bourgeois problem is clearly and undoubtedly the offspring of uneducated and cold hearted thought. We cannot expect for such decisions to comply with the proper and just ideas behind a successful government and we certainly cannot accept those who wish to implement it under the pretence that we are all equal and should strive for a communal society. Class stratification maintains the balance and social order of the strongest of governments and institutions and should never be compromised to fulfill the greedy wants and arrogant needs of the uneducated, unfit and socially incompetent lower class. We must keep in mind that these people have no regard for our values, morals, property, attachments, or ideals. They want to take our land and our possessions, in the process destroying the essence of each of our families and the great institutions which they represent, and divide it equally amongst those of lower rank in order to claim, dominate and revoke the traditions which so peacefully maintained social order throughout history. These godless, soulless beings merely want to abolish all that our ancestors spent centuries to build and replace it with the irrational concept of socialism which will inevitably collapse and leave no trace or strand of hope for those of us remaining faithful to the suitable and just form of social standards. Burke would agree that the bourgeoisie destroys long standing institutions. â€Å"All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify† (manifesto pg 6) And yet disagree with Marx’s theory on how to solve this The question is what kind of institutions we ought to value, and it is in this field that conservative thinkers stake out positions that separate them from liberals and libertarians alike.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Catwalk Models And The Role Model Debate Communications Essay

Catwalk Models And The Role Model Debate Communications Essay Fashion models have been under the media spot light not only for their catwalks but also for posing as a main character on the ‘size zero debate. Who is a size Zero and who is a role model? It is named to be a woman whose clothing size is a, size 2 or less in the US and a size 4 or less in the UK with a waist measurement which is less than 23 inches a size zero and a reality size model is a female who is a size 16 or above on average with a healthy body mass index, within the present sociological statistics of the UK. It has now become a trend for the teenagers and adult females to have a very skinny thin figure as a size zero where it would be equal to a waist measurement of an average 8 year old. Many health concerned organisations and pressure groups have brought forward the request of banning under weight models from the catwalks due to the loss of young models of ‘Anorexia Nervosa which has sparked a global debate. On one hand this essay will evaluate how right it is for brands to believe that the use of a reality size model in association with their brands will cheapen perceptions, make the brand less desirable and drive them down market and also on the other hand how insulting and rude it can be on a consumer when most of the lifestyle brand adverts use ‘fantasy images on their marketing and communicational materials. From the dawn of the day until we ‘call it a day we are wrapped with different marketing communicational materials. Communications are being designed ‘for the public by the public. The public opinions and view points could be strong enough to the extent of building or even tarnishing a brand image. As I see, products organisations establish themselves as brands through thoughts, emotions, and psychological relationships built with consumers either by creating a positive or negative impact. It is very important for brands to develop and maintain a positive image amongst its target audience. The prices, product quality, services offered, ethical behaviour, corporate colours, logos, staff are some thoughtful points for a brand to position them in the minds of the consumers. Marketing communications help brands to establish themselves through effective methods of communicating with the public. Most brands use human models, celebrities, opinion leaders to represent and endor se the brand image. Brand identity and brand image realms the brand culture as a necessary complement to understanding brand meaning and brand creation (Schroeder and Salzer-Morling 2006). Kelman (1961) explains the level of perceived credibility as seen in terms of perceived objectivity and expertise and the degree to which the source is regarded as attractive and message and thus recipients are motivated to develop similar association or position and the degree of power that the source is believed to possess. Brands make use of models with dynamic attractiveness who are perceived to be with likeable qualities and who blends well with the product category or organisational values and image, in order to develop a positive attractiveness towards the brand by recipients. More often as brands clearly identify the extent any society would go in accepting the appealing sense of a brand ambassador linked to the brand the more likely it is for brands to use very thin and size zero models for their advantage in creating communicational materials. According to Kahle Homer (1985), when a celebrity/models physical attractiveness is congruent with the presence and degree to whic h the product advertised enhances attractiveness (i.e., attractive model linked with an attractiveness-related product),the ‘Match-Up hypothesis would predict a positive impact upon product and advertisement evaluations Still many lifestyle brands have been accused for using skinny models for their advertisements. Should brands and fashion users use skinny models? If it is the right model and fits well with the brand identity the use of a skinny model may strengthen the brands position. I believe cutting edge Image courtesy of the advertising Archives Though it is appealing to admire skinny models in association with brands which strengthens brand identity, the public have accused many life style brands for not using reality size models over skinny models and that brands believe the use of a reality size models may cheapen its perception and drive them down market. Is it actually fare for brands to invest in reality size models as per the public request? With the much debated size zero the role model debate being wide spread Marks Spencer who sells garments for any size individual challenged the stereotype techniques of advertisements. In 2001 RKCR/Y R released a TV campaign for Marks Spencer (MS) which featured a size 16 naked woman running up a hill shouting: Im normal!. The nudity of the model suggested that the media have created another beautiful and sexual model even she is not a skinny one through the techniques of erotic creations. This advert then was heavily ridiculed by the public. MS had to withdraw this advert in order to be safeguarding its brand identity. It is the same public who request for reality size models to be featured on advertisements ridicule them, once aired.Examples as such fear any other brands in investing on reality size models as the bottom line effect would be that the public would reject the brand as a whole. However critics point out that the same firm uses more traditional images to promote its other brands as Lynx deodorant which features skinny models. The public keep appreciating this advert which is also making use of semi-nude models that are not of size zero to attract the target audience, which has been highly appreciated by the public. Why are sales on magazines and advertisements with not quite real but glamorous skinny models filled to the brim where airbrush imagery portraying in a fantasy world so high? Why do authors and doctors sell diet remedies quickly? Being thin and loosing the fatty deposits is what the public like to see. The editor of Vogue UK (Alexandra Shulman) says that ‘Magazines simply sell images that people want to see, and that the public wouldnt find even a size 14 model attractive. It is not exactly a secret that gorgeous looking skinny models help make effective advertisements. Is it not right for brands to invest on skinny models rather than inves ting on a reality size model and been driven down market? Media on the other hand which is regarded as a highly persuasive path, has been capable of developing photographic images through methods such as airbrushing, camera tricks image touch ups to create certain body types, shapes figures in to the public eyes like never before. Simply media could be named as a very sharp weapon which depicts to us with images we have to be in order to be attractive and accepted by the society we live in. So, is it truly insulting to consumers that many lifestyle brand advertisers continue to portray fantasy images? The photographers are not the only ones with a thirst for creative and artistic images in this modern world; its also the re-touches and the advance technology of Photoshop who does the trick of creating unbelievably beautiful and amazing images. Just about every image we see in magazines, adverts and most news papers will have been altered in someway to create a new level of human perfection with anti wrinkles, eye bags, pores, veins and facial hair. People in the industry always say women prefer fantasy and aspiration, but how far could this statement be true? Lizzie Miller photographed by Walter Chin in the September issue of US Glamour magazine. The first photograph (left hand) of US model Lizzie Miller has not been air brushed at all whilst the second photograph (right hand) of hers is clearly done. She describes her experience as a ‘revelation when she first went in to a fashion shoot with other skinny girls where most of them had either pimples or stretch marks which made her so comfortable with the marks she had, but by the time the photographs were published on magazines most of their real appearance had been airbrushed out. Why do females imaging that models are perfect? Its the photographers along with the retouches, publicists, models and brands who display a perfect image to enhance the brand perception. For a models fantasy image to look so amazing it takes a good photographer, good lighting, a quality makeup artist, and then a whole load of creatives to sit in front of a computer to produce an image. It may make one wonder why they bothered using a human model at all. Why has it been to the extremes of airbrushing if it is not the real models picture published? Brands have identified the degree how consumers reach towards their ideal self from the actual self image. Humans have multiple mental representations of self (Higgins 1987) namely actual self image and Ideal self image. A matured consumer would like to see herself way below the actual age, and a consumer who is of a fuller figure would like see herself with a perfect figure. This is why most beauty product rituals of feminine grooming aimed at senior female segments use air brushed. Images of models with healthy looking perfect skin and smiles and a perfect look that any matured looking female will be dreaming to have. In other words these brands seduce women in to consumption of the brand in order to be accepted by the loved once in an unrealistic manner. Potential new buyer for the brands with the use of skinny models and models in fantasy images are challenged on the grounds that if a brand can make the skinny models look so amazing the way they look on the photograph then it should be good enough for them to use it too. If there is a consumer already making use of the particular brand then the product experience will contribute to a support argument and these advertising messages can be used to reinforce previous brand choice. These technology savvy laboratories help brands establish the values of differentiating their products from the competing other brands in the market and thus helping the brands to inform, remind and persuade through quality but artificial advertisements strategies. In an ethical way of contributing towards marketing communications, I believe consumers need to be told the truth and appreciates seeing realistic images associated with brands in advertisements. Brands try to enter a consumers mind through designing the adverts emotionally and making the consumers feel guilt of how they posse in the society. The images decoded to gain brand perception are nothing but fantasy images of a dream world. With the development of technology and social networking the word of mouth spreads that these images are unhealthy and unrealistic. Consumers can no longer be fooled to believe they are real images. However as we live in an image culture we take our cues from the culture but are not taught how to deconstruct images correctly. Its like living in an audio culture and not being taught to listen. Thinking deep in to it, would a brand be famous for having models that look perfect to nothing and their by convincing the public the brand is for real? Or would t he consumers be intelligent enough to say if the brand is trying to fool its customers by using fake and airbrushed images the brand too could be simply a cover up/air brushed product which is not for real? If brands receive the prominence in the market place by the use of skinny models and as the media experts say that public keep on requesting for fantasy images what is all about the size zero Vs the role model debate? There are the more concerning fundamental and ethical issues related to this topic. In order to maintain and keep such an extra skinny figure, models have to watch what they eat. Models starve to maintain that figure and, as a result these models face the fears of ‘Anorexia Nervosa which is a physical illness that describes an eating disorder characterized by extremely low body weight, body image distortion and an obsessive fear of gaining weight (Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders The world health organisations international statistical classification of Diseases and related health problems) which can easily lead in It has become the latest trend in fashion with retailers as, ‘Outfits Etc-Mumbai, India selling garments only for the extra thin. Many major retailers in the high street as Top Shop, MS and even George-ASDA store the size zero garments as there is a growing demand for these garments. Many parents are even concern that the favourite toy item ‘Barbie doll figure could widen ups the opportunity for the kids to think that its the acceptable size at their early stages. This is not only a concern about the girls but in the broad picture of the boys too. The perfect airbrushed images they see of females, the extra thin size they see on adverts make them As a marketer, consumer and a female I see this communications issue in so many different ways. There is surely a communications issue that imprints and decodes the incorrect message to the recipients where media can be pointed a figure, but we also need to understand that from year to year, age to age and country to country the ideal body shape changes. Certainly it is very thin at the moment. We experienced the Twiggy in the 60s and the heroine chic in the 90s when being thin was the most fashionable thing. There is so much attention been given nowadays to size zero models but the ideal has always been various kinds of thin, with a different name. It is a known fact that a womans self esteem is highly connected with the way they look. However it is only the people who lack self confidence and have low self esteem sink them selves with the idea of crossing any boarder of doing anything to look good. As the managing director of Propaganda Mike Philipson, correctly said to Haymarket Business Publications Ltd Using bigger women is only a cosmetic solution to a psychological issue for women with low self-esteem, who aspire to the catwalk look. Culture, social impact, personality and many more could lead a women being skinny. Eating disorders are never the cause of just one thing. Dieting behaviours in the home environment, pressure from the loved ones to reduce weight could also draw a woman towards developing eating disorders. The editor of Vogue magazine UK, Alexandra Shulman once said ‘My dad said I will never get a husband if I didnt lose weight It is sad but honestly the truth is that when brands make use of thin models and if they are on a cover page of a magazine with fantasy images people are drawn to pu rchase. Each season when organisations and designers show off their tiring efforts of designs the size zero models are been hand picked for the mere reason of displaying the design and the true beauty of the garments more effectively to the general public. It has been identified that the use of size zero models and fantasy images destroy the minds of teenagers as well as adults like it has done with a few catwalk models in the past. The brands are responsible for informing the contemporary women how much little they have to rejoice with themselves if they do not adopt the modern style of living it approach. On one hand whilst saying that it is a more effective method for brands to use skinny models as brand ambassadors in order to keep the brands treated on the top of the consumers minds the media needs to have a great deal of responsibility on the impact it will have on the more vulnerable members of the society. Techniques as airbrushing need to be carried out without a doubt but with cer tain limitations and controls. There surely is a line somewhere between reality and fantasy when it comes to images and Photoshop has only helped to blur that line. Advertising standards and consumer watch dogs complaints should be considered more seriously when ethical and humanitarian issues are been brought up. I believe we would be just as interested and keen in purchasing magazines overtime if magazines were strong enough to advertise real size models on their pages and covers. Trustworthiness and expertise are the two principal elements of source credibility (Chris Fill 2005).It is important for the public to realise that if a women displays a size zero figure, it could be due to the fact that either she have unusually skinny genes, or she is harming her self terribly to look that way. The younger women should be given some sort of understanding to read such articles with a certain degree of scepticism and emotional intelligence, which will lead them to make their own mind up without being seduced by this type of content. Tools as public relations has been used as a means of managing communication between parties, where as now communication is regarded as a means of managing g relationships (Kent and Taylor 2002). This impact of brands and media needs to be neutralized by proper management. As consumers it is wise to think back if the relevant authorities and government bodies act positively towards saving the true victims? According to the Telegraph the proposed law in France request that all enhance photographs should read ‘photograph retouched to modify the physical appearance of a person which would apply to all advertisements as well as press photos, art photography, political campaigns, on product packaging. The French fashion industry has come up with a voluntary solution of chartering to refraining from ‘extreme thin images prior to legal intervention.Fashion weeks in Milan and Madrid have gone up the extent of bringing up concrete campaigns against the ultra thin size zero and ev en banning the size zero models and whoever was deemed unhealthy by the body mass index from the cat walks This assignment articulates the ways in how brands perceive them selves in the top of the minds of the consumers by using size zero skinny models and also the ways of creating fantasy images with the help of advanced technology as airbrushing. Whats in reality and how consumers should look at this communicational issue in order best practise healthy living in a real world depends upon how well the consumers understand this issue, the ethical concerns and the damaging elements of it. End of the day it is worth thinking if the media is worse than it used be or if consumers are more aware of what brands do to promote. (just over Words:-3336) References * Chris Fill (2005) Marketing Communications * Schroeder and Salzer-Morling (2006):Snapshots Aesthetics in Brand Culture:Jonathan E Schoeder * Chambers, Karen S. (1999). Niche Marketing Pie in the Sky or Sweet Reality? Retrieved from * Dunn-Cane, Kathleen, Gonzalez, Joan L. and Stewart, Hildegarde P. (1999). Managing the New Generation. AORN Journal, 69.5: 930 (1). * Featherstone, Mike. (1991) Body in consumer culture. Body: social process and cultural theory. London:Sage 170-196. * Furman, Frida Kerner. (1997) Facing the Mirror Older Women and The Beauty Shop Culture. New York: Routledge * Hakim, Catherine. 2003. Models of the Family in Modern Societies: Ideals and Realities. Aldershot: Ashgate * Hollows, Joanne. (2000). Feminism, femininity and popular culture. Manchester: Manchester University Press * Wolf, Naomi. (1991). The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty are used against women. New York: Bantum * (